Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I never knew I will react this way...

My dad came back yesterday night and shared with me that he got into an accident. While he is not sure of who's at fault, he confirmed to me that the other party was 4 young men and a lady- And they were least polite to him. They even made him signed something that acknowledges that he was at fault.

I flew into rage.. Well not exactly, but you can literally spell out anger from my face. I immediately came up with all the reason to back up my act. I began to summon the 4 men in my mind and started punching them.

Then I remembered-My anger can never make things right in God's sight(James 1:20).

The truth is, it grew worse.. Even my dad got the hint and comforted me by saying that the driver later apologizes for his disrespect, something which I think was just being said to calm me down.

My conclusion is that I was not at fault in being angry with those bunch of young adults, but I was wrong to harp on it.

And that is my biggest weakness-I'm a professional harpist. Yeah, I'm sure those around me are able to relate to that.. And that's also probably why I picked up guitar so fast.. haha.. But yeah, I guess I'm still learning to control, to stop harping when the piece of music is not right, when it's not glorifying His name..

haaaa.. I feel a heavy weight taken off my shoulders.. I feel.. free..

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