Sunday, May 13, 2007

happy mother's day!

OK making my first ever mother's day post...not so much about mother's day though.. but nevertheless.. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! you guys.. sorry ladies.. are a miracle for struggling kids like mee..

i realise i've been rather slumpy this period of time.. lazy.. tired.. but there's still so much work to do..

i didn't really start my semester decently.. this are my modules:

MEPCAD- Mechanical Engineering Practice and computer aided drawing.
MAMS- Mechanical aspects of mechatronic system
MDES-Mechanical design
MEM-modern engineering materials
DEL-digital electronics
ROCK-History of rock and roll
BAE-Business and the economy

so.. i've realised that teachers in this sem are rather.. independence-inducing... if there's such a word... some are just arggghhh... rahhh.. but well haa the onus is still on me... haaaa...take mr Thi Han is one of my lecturer... many of us find that he's boring... nothing much... but i think he's only plain.. simple.. and if i look deeper, i'd be able to see lots and lots of interesting stuff.. his way of imagining a mechatronic system(yes he's my MAMS cher) and i'll start to see the things he couldn't explain out verbally... then we have some who.. well.. haa don't know how to say.. great sedative voices... ahha...

so much for schooling..

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