wha haha church camp is great!! the sessions are good.. haha the second one would be better i guess.. considering the number of youths that went.. haha i heard daniel and gerald went there only to wrestle during their free time... until pastor jeremy came and delievered them out of their wrestling desires... seriously..
alrite.. moving on... i guess i can summarise church camp into a few words... refreshing... hmm pastor Jack is great.. considering that his dad just went back to the Lord.. and him being here with us instead was a great sacrifice... maybe he felt compelled.. but then again he'd have showed that motivation in his sermons... never... pastor luke barnett is a great speaker too... haha i really appreciate him haha... i'd never forget one of his sermon... just that i forgot the name of it.. hahaha... oh well...
my first ever church camp... great... be going there often now.. haha.. next year if i can...
CAN!! haha
alrite.. it's also about eating too.. the food there man... haha i literally spend everything on food alone.. all my ringgits... haha and i probably used up all the eating adjectives, noun, verbs, any words involving makan combined... oh well.. so much for food... it's cheap too! dollar for ringgit... what's more i still have the buffet breakfast lunch and dinner back at the hotel.. so i was like... eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat.. yeat.. lol... oh well ok now i have to work out... drats that's the hard part... hmmm actually the hard part is eating... a lot of work done already on eating... haaa